
Burn It Because…

fire burning

Burning is what the new Christians in Ephesus did with the heaps of occult objects they’d accumulated in their years of paganism. The burning was presumably to completely disavow and…

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“Humbug and Chicanery”

girl appearing to float in front of a pair of wings painted on a wall

H. C. Leupold’s old commentary on Isaiah mentioned the ancient people’s futile reliance on mediums, sorcerers, and the like. Leupold slammed all that as “manifold forms of humbug and chicanery”…

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Back to Square One

My sister tells this on herself:   Lynn and I were having a discussion, when I mentioned the Catholic practice of praying to the saints. She said, “That’s consulting the…

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A Mod Might Be Odd

child playing video game

The young child of a friend began experiencing night terrors. He’d awaken as if he was being choked—gagging, convulsing. The mother wondered whether it could relate to a video game…

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