
Alisa Childers

Equips Christians to “identify the core beliefs of historic Christianity, discern its counterfeits, and proclaim the gospel with clarity, kindness, and truth.”

Apologetics Index

Apologetics Index provides info on “religious cults, sects, new religious movements, and alternative religions.”

Bible Thinker

“Helping you learn to think biblically about everything.” Mike Winger’s areas of focus are accurate theology, defending the Christian worldview (including answering skeptics), and applying the Bible to life.

The Bold Movement

This ministry (motto: Fluff is for pillows not women’s ministry) began when the founder couldn’t locate a Christian woman who felt confident in her understanding of Scripture. Site links to Bible studies and to a number of apologetics resources.

Christian Answers for the New Age

Marcia Montenegro, a former dabbler in all sorts of wild stuff, explores and exposes false teaching.

Cold Case Christianity

J. Warner Wallace, a former atheist and a cold-case homicide detective, applies his cool investigative skills to examining the Bible and the claims of Christianity. Books, study guides, videos—even lots of free material.

An apologetics ministry that showcases “objective reasons and evidence that Christianity is true (it corresponds to reality).”

Cultish podcast

“A program that explores the impact of the cults from a theological, sociological, and psychological perspective.” New cults come on the scene all the time. Most of us probably think we’d never be drawn in. Maybe that’s what former members of cults thought too?

Diane Stortz

Diane Stortz says her life began to change when she began to read the Bible—“the whole Bible”—for herself. She helps children (and their moms and dads) get to know God’s Word in order to get to know God.

Dr. Jack Cottrell

The late Jack Cottrell’s website tackles difficult topics with scholarly expertise and verbal precision—in a simple way that everyone can understand.

Gary Gilley

Gary Gilley (Think on These Things) addresses theology topics, does book reviews, etc.

Got Questions?

A 101-level site about theology topics, world religions, and more.

Josh McDowell

I respect Josh McDowell so much! His Evidence That Demands a Verdict was hugely important to me back in the day. In Japan, my husband Mark taught college students from the Japanese translation of More Than a Carpenter. I mostly point people to his apologetics material, but his site has other great information too.

Kjos Ministries

Berit Kjos digs deep into concerning trends—false teaching in the church as well as cultural concerns like one-world government. Of special interest is her thorough research on the way children are being targeted. Her book How to Protect Your Child reads like today’s hot happenings, though it was first published in 1990! Find many articles categorized by topic by clicking “topical index of important articles” at the very bottom of her main page (just above the notes), or here.

Check out the Elijah Creek and the Armor of God book series, plus lots of other great armor of God stuff.

Mama Bear Apologetics

These ladies equip moms to rise up strong to spiritually nurture and protect kids—with the same intensity a mama bear has in guarding her young against enemies.

The One-Minute Apologist videos

Helpful, simple, one-minute videos.

Sean McDowell

“Bringing truth to a new generation.” Sean continues in the footsteps of his father, Josh (one of my heroes!), by showcasing the evidence for Bible truth.

Stand to Reason

Excellent training in careful reasoning and well thought-out answers for public discussion. High standards for truth while also valuing “faithfulness over results.” Search by category.

Tim Challies

Strong-but-kind reviews of controversial Christian books.