
Go Soaking? Just Joking.

man in a downpour

“Soaking prayer,” which became trendy some years back, is billed as resting/soaking in the presence of God/the Holy Spirit. Sometimes actual prayer (that is, talking to God) is involved, but…

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Visio Divina

We’ve posted about lectio divina here and here. There’s also visio divina (“divine seeing” or “sacred seeing”). What is that exactly? It involves gazing at an icon, work of art,…

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This information on bibliomancy (“book magic”) is related to the topic of lectio divina, which was addressed here. Merriam-Webster defines bibliomancy as “divination by books, especially the Bible.” A similar…

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Lectio Divina

statue of angel reading Bible

From several years back, lectio divina was pushed in small groups as THE way to read the Bible. The term is Latin and means “divine reading.” Groups may each be…

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